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Design Technology

Learning Pathway

Key Stage 2

‘Ready to Learn’


Students are introduced to the process of designing, making their design, and finally evaluating their product with adult guidance.


Students will have opportunities to develop their skills when working with scissors, glue, and sellotape when creating topic-related models of their choice.


Students will use a range of materials such as fabrics, paper, card and plastics when making individual termly house point charts. Under adult supervision, students will have the opportunity to use the hot glue gun.



Key Stage 3

‘Ready for Independence


Students will develop skills obtained within KS2 in DT. They will continue to learn about how to research, design, make and evaluate their product.


Students will develop their practical skills by completing activities set to a topic, students will learn basic skills in a safe manner for example drilling, sawing, hammering.


Students will have opportunities to develop the design brief and use their own ideas to make a product.


Students will discuss big topics in recycling and sustainable materials related to the items they are making.

Key Stage 4

‘Ready for my future’


DT within KS4 is planned and focused on pupils achieving AQA accreditations. The students will be working on projects on the school site to make the school grounds look nicer.


Students will be researching and designing and making products, for example making bird boxes, hedgehog homes for the school farm.


Students will be also be doing tasks around the school site, recapping the skills they have learnt within KS3.

Curriculum Content

Curriculum content shows the topics that each key stage will be working on for the year. Click the key stage you wish to preview.

If you would like further information about our Design Technology curriculum please contact Mr J Young, Design Technology coordinator, via the Academy office or by email:

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