Physical Education (PE)
Learning Pathway
Lower School
‘Ready for Independence’
Pupils will continue to build on skills learnt throughout the Lower School aiming to consolidate the ability to identify what they are experiencing during their lessons.
Pupils will have a particular focus on developing the ability to describe what they are experiencing in their practical lessons. Pupils in the Lower School at Weatherfield will be provided with levels of high-intensity work in the following disciplines: invasion games, striking and fielding, gymnastics/dance, personal fitness and Athletics.
All pupils will be challenged to work cooperatively with their peers during lessons, whilst more able pupils will be asked to assume leadership roles at the appropriate times.
Feedback from teachers will become more detailed and pupils will be asked to describe how they succeeded, as well as failed at tasks.
Key Stage 4
‘Ready for my Future’
During student's time in KS4 PE, they will be streamlined into similar ability groups. This is a very important process as the need for a student to feel comfortable performing in front of their peers and appropriately challenged is essential for students to continue a healthy relationship with their physical education as they move into adulthood.
Students will be required to take on more responsibility during their lesson, this can take the form of collecting and putting equipment away, leading warm-ups and cool-downs, as well as formulating drills for skills that will need improving.
Teachers will help students to explain and analyse what they are doing in their lessons. This can come in two forms, self-analysis and peer reviews. Questions will include: what went well? What could be improved?
Particular focus will be spent on students gaining more knowledge of their fitness levels, and how they can carry out fitness sessions on their own without the need for equipment.
As in the Lower School, the lessons will cover the following areas: invasion games, striking and fielding, gymnastics/dance, personal fitness and Athletics with the added curriculum time to go to a local leisure centre where they will use the gym facilities.
Key Stage 5
‘Ready for Work’
PE is offered as an optional subject for students during KS5. If they choose PE, they are offered a minimum of 2 hours per week to continue their physical education.
During these lessons, pupils will cover a range of sports/disciplines including; Football, Hockey, Personal fitness, Cricket, Netball, Basketball and Tennis.
Students will be encouraged to take a highly active role in the running of the lessons, which include taking warm-ups, cool downs and leading their peers in practising skills. Evaluating their own and others performance plays a key part in the OCR Entry level qualification the students will be studying for. Not only is important for the students to understand what it takes to perform well in sport and keep healthy, but they will also learn how others do the same.
Curriculum Content
Curriculum content shows the topics that each key stage will be working on for the year. Click the key stage you wish to preview.
Enrichment Opportunities
See below links for further opportunities for your child to progress their learning in PE.
Lower School
For more information on what Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) are, follow this link here.
For more information about the watersports activities, your child may take part in, click here.
For more information about the rock climbing activities, your child may take part in, click here.
For more information about the entry-level PE certificate, your child will be studying this year, click here.
If you would like further information about our PE curriculum please contact Mr A Stackhouse, Leader of PE, via the Academy office or by email: astackhouse@weatherfield.beds.sch.uk