British Values
Weatherfield Academy embraces ‘British Values’
Celebrations throughout our academic year play a very important part in our calendar. Harvest Festival, Christmas, Remembrance, Sports Awards, Music Performances, Celebration Assemblies, Charity Days and guests from different cultures all offer us all the ability to embrace our British Culture and Values.
Manners and social skills are highlighted through our half term ‘Values’ that are high profile throughout the Academy. Awards are given for the pupil in each tutor group that displays those values consistently.
Environmental care and the detailed pride and attention to the gardens and animals kept on the Academy site, are essential skills for life, as well as instilling the values of the ‘British Countryside.’ All pupils play an important part, during all four seasons, in caring and looking after the areas where they work and learn.
Playground Pals encourages pupils to listen, play and care for each other during free time. This is successfully employed across the Junior and Senior play areas. Eco Monitors oversee work in the community and help the ‘Town Ranger’ in his duties and older pupils take responsibilities to assist those less able through volunteering and extra-curricular clubs.
Manners at Mealtimes are monitored and good examples are encouraged through ‘Role Models’
A Head teachers’ lunch is held every half term with pupils selected to attend due to their improvement in manners or consistency.
Free Speech is encouraged through Pupil Voice and the School Council. The ability to wait for turns and listen to others is encouraged from the first day within the Academy. The ability to debate is a difficult concept for many young people, however, through a well-developed PSCHE curriculum skills are encouraged.
Our curriculum promotes British Values as does our system of Assemblies as does our Academy Motto: ‘To Become the Best Person You Can Be’