SEND Information
As a special school, all of the places made available are for pupils who have an Education Health Care Plan for Cognition & Learning Delay and Specific Learning Difficulties. Under section 69 of the Children’s & Families Act 2014, the Authority takes account of the Code of Practice 0-25, as well as the SEN Disabilities Regulations 2014.
Weatherfield Academy’s entry criteria is clearly visible on the school website and is used in the decision making process for placement at the Academy.
Although the building is a 50 year old educational facility, it has been adapted in recent years to provide access to all areas of learning and leisure. An accessible toilet and shower facility have been installed. The full school curriculum is accessible for all of the pupils at Weatherfield Academy.
Further plans for accessible pathways for wheelchairs and all other areas enable the school farm and fields to be accessible throughout the year.
Careers date review. This is reviewed annually in line with the Careers Hub.