Collection & Progression Data
Rationale for reviewing and developing how we record and report on pupil progress
During the autumn term of 2022, we scrutinised the way we collect our progression data. Data is only useful if it as accurate as possible, evidencing the strengths and areas for development that should direct curriculum and lesson planning. We have started introducing a wider range of assessments to obtain more accurate levels of pupil ability across a wider range of skills. Our present focus is on obtaining, through more robust and diagnostic assessments, as clear a view of learners’ abilities across English and Maths. Having a better understanding of these skills will support us in devising relevant, appropriate and accessible learning experiences across the curriculum.
It must be noted that:​
We continue to monitor the learning journeys of pupils through observation and by acknowledging their work and levels of engagement, participation as well as the contributions they make across the academy.
The newly revised Complete Pupil Profile (now named the Pupil Progress Report (Part 1) & Pupil Profile (Part 2), allows us to record and report on both the academic and holistic progress being made by individuals across the year – we will now be formally reviewing pupil progress at more regular intervals throughout the year.
The Onwards & Upwards data collection system is still being used to enable progress to be measured across varying learning experiences and subject areas – we identify strengths in this way, allowing us to encourage and support learners to fulfil their potential in areas that they excel in; this is what we describe as tailoring learning for pupils with ‘spiky profiles’. Gaps in learning can more successfully be targeted when lesson planning.
The expertise held by Senior Leaders in the Academy has helped us to focus on refining this area more confidently in the understanding that this reorganisation will enable us all to meet the needs of our most complex learners even more successfully. It is believed that such a focus will also help us to improve the quality of Teaching & Learning for a richly diverse population.
Find below the equivalency table used to report on learners' progress. There are 3 sub levels of attainment per Step which reports on the level of progress within each Step. For example,
when we share our Pupil Progress Reports with parents and carers at the end of the year, we use the following key:
Working Towards a Step = WT
Working At a Step = WA
Working Beyond a Step = WB
There is a further breakdown, giving the % of progress within each of these sub levels on our Onwards & Upwards assessment system. We are well aware that learners progress at very different rates across the curriculum. Having such detailed data informs planning for next steps based on Ipsative assessment - that which is relevant to the individual without making a comparison against the progress of others.