Headteacher's Welcome
A special message from the Head Teacher
For those of you who do not know about Weatherfield Academy, we are a special school with a learner population of 166. The Academy has an excellent learning environment, looked after almost entirely by the students themselves.
Our Academy is for young people who find it challenging to maintain their progress in mainstream educational settings due to a recognised Cognition & Learning Delay (see our entry criteria).
All young people aged 7 to 19 years who currently attend Weatherfield Academy, have a SEND Education & Health Care Plan (EHCP). The small class groups linked to specialist teaching and support, give learners an opportunity to work alongside their peers and build a set of life skills from which to navigate their education pathway and prepare for their future.
Teaching and Learning is innovative and the core lessons take place during the morning to include English, Maths and Computing. Life and social skills are integrally taught across the Academy; these include personal safety, protective behaviours, manners at mealtimes and relationships.
During the afternoon learning sessions, a vibrant Creative Curriculum runs across the Primary and Key Stage 3 age range. Learners in Key Stages 4 and 5 are able to select from a range of qualifications.
Accreditations and examination outcomes are excellent, given the relative starting points of the learners; we strive to challenge every young person to succeed in their learning journey, offering them a wide range of opportunities to help them reach their full potential as active and productive members of their community.
It is our main focus for all to ‘Become the Best Person They Can Be’.
Mr L Meenan
Head of School