​About Us
This term, we will be working towards our 'FairAware Award'. This award will allow us to find out where our school is in terms of understanding Fairtrade and using Fairtrade products.
Current Fairtrade representatives:
Each class has nominated a Fairtrade representative who will be helping with events and raising awareness this year.
2PG - Joseph B
3SQ - Lucas D
3NP - Joshua L
3AS - William B
3AC - Morgan P
3SP - Alysha B
4JL - Abigail S
4KO - Kirsty H
4AS - Lily-Rose H
4SA - Klara C
5CP - Jack S
5KP - Charlotte K
5IF - Jack D
5EM - Alex S
5WK - Bradley B

What is Fairtrade?
Lack of food security is one of the world’s most critical issues, according to the Fairtrade Foundation. It says that half of the world’s hungry people, nearly 400 million, are estimated to live on small farms. The Fairtrade Foundation believes that shoppers in the West can change this by harnessing the power of a Fairtrade breakfast – so farmers and workers behind those products can feel secure, knowing they can feed their families, all year round.
​If you would like any more information regarding Fairtrade, please visit: http://www.fairtrade.org.uk/
Mrs Harper and the Fairtrade Representatives at Weatherfield Academy